This pattern database contains current 417 pattern for everything possible and impossible. I hope you can find the pattern you need for your work here. Faultlessness cannot be guaranteed! But you can test the pattern if it does what you expect it to do. Use the built-in input field.
00042 |
pattern="#([A-Fa-f\d]{3}){1,2}" |
#FFF #FFAA00 |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00086 |
pattern="\s" |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00089 |
pattern="DE\d{9}" |
DE123456789 DE987654321 |
ATU1234678 FR1A123456 |
Each company within the European Union (EU) can be uniquely identified using the VAT identification number (VAT ID). It is particularly relevant for invoicing. For Germany the country code DE with 9 digits |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00106 |
20nn/nn |
pattern="(20)[\d]{2}/[\d]{2}" |
2015/16 2016/15 |
1015/16 2015-16 |
20d{2}/d{2} |
user input on tfcpc:patterntest (previous version) |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00130 |
pattern="FR\d{12}[0-9A-Z]{11}\d{2}" |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00211 |
pattern="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_.]{1,20}" |
Only letters (either case), numbers, hyphens, underscores, and periods. (Not the slash character, that is being used to escape the period.) The username must start with a letter and must be between 1 and 20 characters long (inclusive). |
[a-zA-Z][\w-.]{1,19} | |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00301 |
pattern="\d{3}[\-|\s]*\d{3}[\-|\s]*\d{4}" |
o reason to force a user entering a North American phone number to use hyphens or spaces: d{3}[-|s]*d{3}[-|s]*d{4} (supports all 3 phone number formats) | |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00343 |
pattern=".{6,16}" |
length between 6 and 16 is {6,16} {min,max} | |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |