This pattern database contains current 417 pattern for everything possible and impossible. I hope you can find the pattern you need for your work here. Faultlessness cannot be guaranteed! But you can test the pattern if it does what you expect it to do. Use the built-in input field.
00008 |
pattern="[A-Z]{6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z\d][A-Z\d]{3}" |
The Bank Identifier Code (also SWIFT code) is the new identifier (bank code) for credit institutions. The BIC has a length of 11 alphanumeric characters and has the following structure: 4 letters, 2 country codes, 2 location codes (1st not 0 or 1, 2nd not O), 3-digit identifiers (filling XXX) |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00170 |
pattern="0,75|6,00|[1-5],([05]0|[27]5)" |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00183 |
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx |
pattern="([\da-fA-F]{2}-){5}[\da-fA-F]{2}" |
12-34-56-78-9A-BC |
12:34:56:78:9A:BC 12-34-56-78-9A-GC |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00214 |
x/y/x |
pattern="(.+)/.+/\1" |
123/abc/123 one/to/one |
123abc123 this/is not/that |
x/y/x first and last (before and after slashes) should be same |
question on answered by |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00221 |
pattern="-?(180(\.0{1,8})?|(([01][0-7]\d|\d{1,2})(\.\d{1,8})?))" |
A longitude with max 8 decimal places. Longitudes range from -180 to 180. |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00263 |
pattern="^(\(\d{3}\) ?\d{3} ?- ?|(\d{3} ?[-.]? ?){2})\d{4}$" |
10 Digit Phone no. with first 3 digits for International Code |
Don't use it! It does not work! | |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00331 |
pattern="((2[0-3])|([01]\d)):[0-5]\d" | |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |
00380 |
pattern="^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\.](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\.]\d{4}$" |
All data without guarantee of correctness! Please test it yourself.alle Angaben ohne Gewähr der Fehlerfreiheit! Bitte teste es selbst. |